Elbrus plan 厄尔布鲁士计划

花1小时做了Elbrus的计划,是个比较简单的山,主要的Objective danger是天气,如果合适的装备和经验,基本可以轻松写意地搞定。


D1,晚上8点的飞机到矿泉城,可以定车到Elbrus山脚下的小镇Terskol  (2100m),大概200km的距离,需要3-4个小时

D2,海拔适应,登Cheget (3450m), 坐缆车上去,滑雪2-3小时,下午3点左右滑雪下山谷。

D3,上午出发,上汽油桶小屋Barrel Hut (3800m), 总共三段缆车,最后一段有可能不开,从第二个缆车到汽油桶徒步大概30-40分钟。在汽油桶简单调整,再次海拔适应训练,可以走到Pashtuhova rocks (4670m),或者垭口 (5416m),海拔适应原则就是尽量走高宿低,晚上宿汽油桶营地。

D4,如果1)天气合适,2)体能状态好,直接冲顶,可以当日滑下至Terskol valley。不然就增加一天海拔适应。



如果去之前海拔适应好,又恰巧赶上好天气,是一个可以一两天来回的山,只需要D3+D4, 哈。

Day 1, Arrive at Mineral Vody airport at 20:00, transport to Terskol (2100m), takes about 3-4 hours, 200 km.

Day 2, Acclimatization, ascend to Cheget Mountain (3450 m), ski around for 2-3 hours, back to the valley at 15:00

Day 3, Start in the morning, go up to Barrel hut (3800m),  from the first lift, it takes 3 lifts up to Barrel hut, 3rd lift might be closed, then one can walk for 30-40 mins from the 2nd lift up to the hut. To acclimatize more, walk up to the Pashtuhova rocks (4670m) or the saddle (5416m), stay for 30 mins, ski down. Sleep low at the Barrel hut.

Day 4, If 1) weather is good, 2) physical condition is good, try summit, Ski down to Terskol valley if possible. Otherwise, take the day easy for extra acclimatization.

Day 5, Reserved summit day.

Day 6, Reserved summit day.


Mount Elbrus-standard route as viewed from Cheget Peak.
A=Barrels hut; the normal starting point for the climb of Mount Elbrus, elevation 3800m
B=Approximate location of Deisel Hut, elevation 4157 m
C=Pashtuhova Rocks elevation 4670 m
D=Saddle, elevation 5416 m
E=West Summit elevation 5642.7 m
F=East Summit elevation, 18,441 feet (5621 meters)

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