Crazy nice weekend, drink hard and train hard.
SATS 真是让人神清气爽。
Odenplan和Stureplan的两个SATS最牛,girls are actually wearing make up while training in the gym, hahaha!对我来讲只有好处没有坏处,极端赏心悦目。
另外,Many people travels from Upplands Vasby to train in town!!!
最近Business going well, life gets slightly borad, planning some big thing in the end of the month. 本来打算再去走一次Kebnekaise的,东线。Thomas昨天打电话说所有公共交通在9月底就全部关闭了,只能往南走走,凑合一下挪威最高峰了,Galdhøpiggen,哈!!!