Finally, the trip that has been planned for years will soon come true. Just finished booking a couchette from Veolia, from stockholm to Narvik, Norway. will stay in Narvik for several hours and then head back to Abisko where I’m gonna start the awesome trip! HaHaHa!!!
The while line marked with red spots is the route I planned on Google Earth. Around 100 km with 2000m ascending. The landscape in the route gotta be stunning, haha!
The whole route: Stockholm–Narvik–Abisko–Kebnekaise–Nikkaluokta–Kiruna, then back to Stockholm.
Kebnekaise is the summit of Sweden, and may be the summit in the arctic circle as well. It’s glaciated on top and has two peaks. The glacier has shrunk, therefore the summit is not as high as earlier. The top is traditionally said to be 2,111 m, and higher in the oldest measurement, i.e. 2,117 m. If the melting continues at the same rate, the south peak will sink below the north peak (which is the highest fixed point in Sweden) within a few years’ time.
Kebne, I’m coming!!!